Discovery Pediatrics General Store (available for purchase in our office)

Triple Paste AF (hard to find so we sell it in the office)
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It's an effective combination therapy that combines the protective healing barrier of Triple Paste® with the antifungal fighting power of 2% miconazole nitrate. Repels moisture and prevents chafing while it relieves burning, itching, scaling, cracking, and overall discomfort.
Nose Frida
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  • It’s smart.
  • It’s Swedish.
  • It’s maybe a little strange.
  • It’s doctor invented & recommended.
  • It’s 100% hygienic due to the included filters (4).
  • It’s fabulously reviewed (Rachel Ray, Parenting, & more).
  • It’s a nasal aspirator that ACTUALLY WORKS!
  • It’s NoseFrida.  The Snotsucker.
Vitamin D Drops:
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Most vitamin D supplements require you to give some other vitamins that children don't need to get insupplements and they might require you to give a full 1 ML daily. We sell vitamin D drops that provide a full day's supply of vitamin D (400 IU). It can be given as a drop on mother's nipple, on a pacifier, or on a regular bottle nipple.  Best of all, it's just 1 drop per day. We sell vitamin D drops for $20.00 incl. tax for a 3-month supply. Ask the staff about it!
For children 12 months and older, the current recommendation is to give 600 IU per day. Fortunately, we have the 600 IU per drop available for the same price. Just ask.